Saturday, January 24, 2015

Week 8 (Saturday January 24, 2015)

Finishing up 8 weeks since the HyProCure implant surgery re-do on my right foot, and it's healing so nicely. I've been taking long walks through the park, treadmill and to run errands. I'm very comfortable walking 2-4 miles at a time. I've done 4-mile walks now a couple of times in the last 2 weeks, and the only issue is that I wake up sore/tight the next morning around the site of the incision and actually more on the inside of my ankle. Not a big deal, I just take it easy for that day, and then go right back to a long walk the following day. Spinning is fine, but any jogging/running is definitely not fine. I tried to lightly jog a couple of blocks on my walk earlier this week, and it was painful. So, still no running, but it's only been 8 weeks. As for how my foot looks at this point, I am very pleasantly surprised that there is no scar - you can't tell by looking at my foot that I had a surgery. Also, I did have some stubborn swelling that would creep in on the inside of my right ankle, but even all that has dissipated, and my foot looks normal (except now I have an arch with great correction!).

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